The exhibition event still has a crucial importance in the fashion industry. For this reason, it is good to know in advance which exhibition it is interesting to participate in, both as expositor and visitor.
With our fashion accessories photographic systems, we focus on the Business-To-Business (B2B) fashion exhibitions, dedicated to the industry professionals, who will be asked to give their professional data and business card to have access.
The difference in the exhibition domain is not only between Business-to-Business (for professionals) and Business-to-Consumer (open to the public). Also the kind of visitors must be considered: the local exhibitions are the ones attended by local visitors, coming from the area the exhibition takes place. On the other hand, the international exhibitions are attended by visitors from all over the world, giving more visibility to expositors.
When it comes to participate, in particular as expositor, it is important to answer to the following questions to choose the right exhibition:
1. Which is the expected result?
Entering a new market or geographic area, finding new resellers or agents, looking for new suppliers, selling to end customers (if the last one is your answer, a public exhibition would be better rather than a B2B one).
2. How much can be invested?
According to the budget dedicated to the exhibition, it can be assessed to consider or not foreign exhibitions. If the budget is low, for instance, far destinations are not recommended, as they foresee high flights and hotel costs and other expenses, including shipping costs for the merchandise exposed during the exhibition.
3. How many people do I need at my disposal?
During an exhibition, it is important to have at least two people in order to guarantee a permanent presence at the stand, but the number of people to involve depends on the size of the stand and on the expected flow of people for that particular exhibition.
Discover the calendar of the most important international jewelry exhibitions of 2025
Jewelry FairsDiscover the calendar of the most important fashion and eyewear fairs of 2025
Fashion FairsWe will attend some of these exhibitions in partnership with the magazine We will be able to offer a photo shoot service of the products exposed in the fair on the magazine Visit the website to discover the products exposed during the exhibitions: Milano Fashion&Jewels – Mido – Micam and many more…
Come to the exhibitions where we participate to see our jewelry, eyewear, footwear and bags lightboxes and to try our photographic studios to take free photos of your products, ready to be published online, for your e-commerce or even print catalogues.
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Dalia Lombardi
Jewelry Marketing Expert