Show products on printed paper
The photos of the jewels are not only useful for the website, e-commerce, social networks or internet advertising but it is also possible to use them in the real shop and in the goldsmith workshop.
Photographs on a white background allow you to show the products from different angles and to highlight the details, thus allowing customers to be able to admire them in their entirety without necessarily having to touch them.
Tip: thanks to its unique rotating arm structure and shadow-free background, with the Studio4 Jewels Pro it is possible to shoot from the best points of view of the jewel in a few seconds, without the need to fix and retouch them.
This advantage is very useful in times like this where distancing and constant sanitation are inevitable, but not only. The photographs can be used to show products not available in the store or very expensive products locked in the safe.
Through a well-constructed catalogue or simply by printing the individual images, you will have the opportunity to present the entire goods, even those not on display.
Tip: the photos obtained with Studio4 Jewels Pro are of calibrated size and can be printed on paper as a catalogue in 1: 1 scale for a perception of the real size of the products.
Posters, flyers, advertising screens and multimedia totems
Paper has not lost its charm with the advent of the virtual world, on the contrary, it has acquired prestige and value.
Posters and flyers often attract more attention than banner ads on the web, and using printed images of your products inside and outside the store is still a great way to catch the eye of passersby.
There is also the possibility of installing advertising screens in the window or multimedia totems to be placed wherever you prefer. You can create galleries of images that scroll automatically and thus transmit an infinite series of products. They are ideal tools for those who want to give a technological touch to their shop.
Tip: in addition to professional devices for “Digital Signage”, you can use common digital frames, PC monitors or consumer TVs. They can be framed like paintings or mounted by blacksmiths-window makers as an opening “showcase background”. Or you could use the same traditional precious frames you sell, as they too can be digitized using devices of the right size.
Certificates of guarantee, quality control and repairs
Furthermore, the photographs of the products are required for warranty certificates, quality control and repairs.
Each jewel must be accompanied by a technical data sheet and a certificate of guarantee and authenticity. Accompanying these documents with photographs is an added security for both the seller and the customer.
Same thing goes for repairs. Taking a picture of the product before and after a repair is a way to protect yourself from disputes.
Tip: a guarantee certificate showing an image of the jewel is a useful identification tool in case of theft. Furthermore, attributing the jewel to the producer who shows its characteristics and an image, allows the estimation of the damage to the insurance expert. Finally, being able to add the owner’s name, thus certifying possession, psychologically gratifies the customer and increase its usefulness and security.
For this you need a quick and easy solution to take professional photos yourself.
Commercial product photography, retouching and use of images, however, cannot become your new job.
If your products are so many that you cannot continually turn to external professionals, you need to find a solution to simplify and speed up this process.
In this a common PC and appropriate software can help you a lot if connected to photographic studios that take photos that are already suitable to your needs.
With our Studio4 Jewels photographic systems and Easy4Pro software it is possible to obtain splendid images of your products, in high resolution on a white background in a few seconds and also create beautyful 3D animations, all useful “sales tools” both online and in presence.
FourPro Studios are innovative products that adapt to the needs of anyone, thanks to the convenient price and modularity, which also allows the subsequent evolution into increasingly performing solutions.
Try to move me with the mouse
Not only beautiful images to sell, a shop also needs “technical photos”
If a photo is taken and processed properly, it becomes a technical tool that allow measurements, comparisons, analysis of defects, conformity checks, that is what is called “Quality Control and Assurance“.
Tip: the photos obtained with Studio4 Jewels Pro can be taken from the best point of view of the jewel to be used for commercial purposes, and also for technical purposes from the main orthogonal views, resulting calibrated, measurable and printable in 1:1 scale thanks to the characteristics of the our systems and our software.
We can certify this function on our equipment sales invoice, as well that it is an “E-commerce specific” tools, to enable your company to take those advantages (public loan, support, tax saving etc.) that your country provide for specific types of investment.
Let us know your needs, because being the original designer and manufacturer of these equipment, we can customize them for your specific application.